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Our Play Rooms

Baby Unit

Baby room in Little Fingers Day Nursery is decorated in calming colours, and babies' artwork is displayed on the wallsBaby room in Little Fingers Day Nursery is decorated in calming colours, and babies' artwork is displayed on the walls

We understand how difficult it can be for parents to leave their baby during the day. Our baby room is a home from home environment, we follow each baby's individual routine/care plan, which is discussed with parents when babies join us during their settling in sessions. We feel this helps with the settling in process for both baby and parents.

We are able to take 9 babies per day in this room. Each baby has a key person who will be responsible for monitoring your child's development, learning and care at nursery. We also complete daily contact sheets online, my unique story's and create an online learning journeys for all children.

Our Baby room is decorated in calming colours, and babies' artwork is displayed on the walls. Eye catching colourful displays are hanging from the ceiling. We have a separate sleep room for our babies, this helps them get quality time to rest and relax during the day.

Babies love to explore and from as young as 3 months we offer many stimulating experiences for young babies, such as sensory equipment, physical opportunities and lots of personal, social and emotional activities. Babies are introduced to sand, water, paint, natural materials and educational equipment. All activities are closely supervised. Time is made for babies to snuggle and cuddle with their key person, and we also encourage children to have fun with music and movement activities.


Toddler Room

Toddler room  follows on from our baby unit, offering the same home from home environment, which follows through the whole nursery. We are able to take 12 children per day in this room.

We offer many physical challenges for our toddlers, encouraging mobility. In toddler room we have different zones for different areas of play. Children are able to choose toys and activities and share their independence; the children are closely supervised by very caring and dedicated staff. Many new sensory experiences are offered in our toddler room with lots of natural objects to explore and messy things to taste touch and smell. Each child has their own key person and again daily contact sheets are completed to let you know how your child's day has been.


2-3's Room

Children learn so much through play, and through their own independence and experiences, we help to stimulate and give children confidence with challenging activities. The 2-3 room in Little Fingers  can take 16 children per day. Children are now becoming more sociable developing friendships with their peers, this is encouraged through role play and we also focus on their self-care skills and toilet training. Children have free flow access to the garden area.

To make an enquiry visit the Contact Us page and drop us an email.


Little Fingers Day Nursery in Darenth

Call Little Fingers Day Nursery in Darenth, Kent on 01474 700 047

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Little Fingers Day Nursery in Darenth

Address: Malt House Farm, Green Street Green Road, Darenth, Kent, DA2 8DX / Tel: +44(0) 1474 700 047 / Email:
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